How does your vision look for the future? Unfortunately, a new study by John Hopkins University, determined low vision and blindness are expected to double in the next few decades for Americans 45 years and older.

A Person’s Ability to Perform Everyday Tasks is Dependent on Their Vision

Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA 20/40), is estimated to increase from from 3.8 million in 2017 to 7.5 million by 2050, among those over 45.

Research shows, in 2017 the number of new cases of low vision (BCVA 20/40) will climb to 482,000 and to 1 million Americans in 2050.

This also increases the number of people who are blind from 1 million in 2017 to over double that, to 2.1 million by 2050.

“Low vision and blindness affect a substantial portion of the older population in the United States,” authors of the study conclude. “Estimates of the prevalence and annual incidence of visual impairment assist policy planners in allocating and developing resources for this life-changing loss of function.”

Does the Future of Your Vision Look Dim? Protect the Gift of Sight

Catching issues early is an important key to healthy long-term vision.

Routine eye exams do more than just correct your vision with glasses or contacts, they are an important part of your overall well being. Routine eye exams ensure all the necessary treatments and preventative measures can be taken to keep your eyes healthy.

Vision screening are not a substitute for a comprehensive eye examination performed by an optometrist, they include thorough testing for all aspects of your eyes.

A comprehensive eye exam includes a key element, dilation, a painless procedure that allows a professional to see into the eye and detect eye diseases and health issues, many of which don’t have early warning signs, diabetes related eye problems, tumors, high blood pressure, macular degeneration, detached retina, cataracts, and infections.

Don’t put if off any longer, schedule your comprehensive eye exam today with Lake Nona Eye Care or call us at 407-658-9990