According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, “The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that there were 265,000 toy-related injuries treated in emergency rooms last year. Most of these injuries affect children under age 15, and nearly half affect the head or face.

Common eye injuries from these toys include corneal abrasion (scratch), ocular hyphema,traumatic cataract and increased intraocular pressure, injuries which can require surgery to treat. In most cases, the victims of these toy-related injuries were not wearing protective eyewear.”

Over a 250,000 children require hospital treatment from injuries from toys, many of these could be avoided with proper eye safety precautions, according to the Consumer Products & Safety Commission. Signs of eye injuries include: Eye pain, pupils of unusual size or shape, vision impairment, immobility of one or both eyes, and blood around the eye.

‘You’ll shoot your eye out’

In efforts to avoid toy related eye injuries, the American Academy of Ophthalmology has a few tip for purchasing gifts this holiday season:


*Avoid purchasing toys with sharp, protruding or projectile parts.

*Make sure children have appropriate supervision when playing with potentially hazardous toys or games that could cause an eye injury.

*Ensure that laser product labels include a statement that the device complies with 21 CFR (the Code of Federal Regulations) Subchapter J.

*Along with sports equipment, give children the appropriate protective eyewear with polycarbonate lenses. Check with your Eye M.D. to learn about protective gear recommended for your child’s sport.

*Check labels for age recommendations and be sure to select gifts that are appropriate for a child’s age and maturity.

*Keep toys that are made for older children away from younger children.
The Food and Drug Administration advises the danger of laser products, the light energy from this type of toy can be hazardous to the eye. Never shine or aim the laser at people, reflective surfaces and animals.

If you or a loved one experience an eye injury this holiday season seek immediate medical attention.

Remembering Others This Holiday Season

This holiday season let’s not forget about those around us, our neighbors and relatives, our vision may be good but theirs may not. Maybe they need a ride to a doctor’s appointment, the store, or just a day out. For many any amount of vision loss can be distressful, especially for our senior who can no longer drive due to medical or vision problems.

How healthy are your eyes and vision? Are you experiencing any vision problems? Where would you be without your eyes? Even blurry or obstructed vision can get in the way of everyday activities. Did you know there are steps you can take to prevent vision problems?

Contact Dr. Ward and the professional team at Lake Nona Eye Care for an appointment today.