The new year brings the opportunity for a fresh clean start and self improvement. When making your New Year Resolutions this year don’t forget about one of our most precious senses, our sight. Many of us take our vision for granted, the fact is we use our eyes for everything and keeping our eyes healthy should be a top priority! An eye exam can also uncover evidence of other diseases such as hypertension and diabetes.
Here are a few tips for healthy vision well into the New Year
Regular comprehensive eye exam
Routine eye exams can make all the difference, many eye diseases don’t have any symptoms. If your over 40 make sure you get screened age related ocular conditions including:
Glaucoma, occurs when pressure in the eye damages the optic nerve, also known as ‘silent their of sight’, because before you know you even have the disease, you have lost some of your vision.
Cataracts, when the lens becomes cloudy
Macular Degeneration, deterioration of part of the retina that processes light.
Update your contacts or eye glass prescription
If you wear prescription glasses or contacts they should be checked every year, especially if you’re experiencing dry eyes or headaches.
Protect your eyes
The sun’s harmful UV rays can damage your eyes, even in Central Florida’s winter months. The right sunglasses can keep them safe all year round.
Don’t forget to protect your eyes from debris, chemicals and even dust with safety goggles or eyewear.
Replace Contact lens case
To prevent complications from bacterial infections replace your contact lens case every 4 months or ask the staff at Lake Nona Eye Care about daily disposable contact lenses.
Eat eye friendly foods
Healthy vision can be as basic as the food we eat. Orange and red vegetables, such as squashes and carrots, and dark leafy vegetables, such as spinach and kale can give our eyes the nutrients they need to stay healthy. There is also research showing Omega-3 fish oil can improve the health of our eyes.
Taking care of your eyes now will pay off with better vision for years to come. Make these eye healthy New Year’s Resolution part of your yearly routine to ensure you will enjoy better eye sight in the future.
Don’t put if off any longer, schedule your comprehensive eye exam today with Lake Nona Eye Care or call us at 407-658-9990