The National Glaucoma month is dedicated to raising awareness and taking action! The leading cause of preventable blindness, Glaucoma affects over 60 million people worldwide, including 4 million Americans. The National Eye Institute estimates a 58 percent increase by the year 2030, According the Glaucoma Research Foundation, “it is estimated that of the four million Americans that have glaucoma, only half of those know they have it.” Known as “silent thief of sight” because it doesn’t have any symptoms. This merciless eye disease leaves everyone at risk, from the young children to senior adults. Increasing awareness and taking action by getting a comprehensive eye exam is the first step to reducing its severity.

What is Glaucoma?

Stealing sight without warning, Glaucoma is the progressive loss of optic nerve fibers. This nerve is responsible for carrying images, like a bundle of electric cable with millions of wires, from the eye to the brain. Many people don’t realize they have it because there isn’t any pain or symptoms in the early stages. Though there are two main types of Glaucoma, angle-closure glaucoma and primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG), neither one has a cure.

Take Action!

Doctor Ward and the team at Lake Nona Eye Care stress the importance of preventive measures. There is little information on preventing glaucoma from developing, but there are a few preventative techniques.

Comprehensive eye exams is the best way to catch glaucoma in the early stages.

A healthy diet for healthy eyes. Eating a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E and C, as well as dark green and yellow vegetables and fruit.

Maintain a healthy weight, exercise plan, and keep your blood pressure at a normal level.

Raise Awareness

Talk to your family and friends about Glaucoma, vision loss begins with side or peripheral vision, which is why it’s not usually noticed until vision loss is significant.

We use our eyes from the time we wake up in the morning until we go to be at night, they are constantly processing information, it’s hard to imagine life without them. That’s why it’s so important to take care of them. Contact Dr. Ward and the professional team at Lake Nona Eye Care for an appointment today or call 407-658-9990.