Pink Eye is going around the Orlando area. Lake Nona Eye Care receives many calls asking about Pink Eye, what are the symptoms, if they have it and what steps should they take if they have it.
Many think Pink Eye is something children get, but in fact we get many adults in our office with Pink Eye. Here are a few questions we receive:
What Causes Pink Eye?
Pink Eye is when the transparent membrane (conjunctiva) that lines the eyelid and eyeball gets infected. The inflammation of these blood vessels causes the pink/red tones in the white of the eyes. It usually starts in one eye and spreads to the other.
Do I Have Pink Eye?
Symptoms of Pink Eye included a feeling there is something in their eye, redness in the white of the eye, sensitivity to light, burning, itching, drainage, or swollen eyelids. Pink Eye can become very serious if you think you or someone in your family has pink eye contact Lake Nona Eye Care as soon as possible.
When can I go back to work or school?
If the infection was caused by bacteria, the rule is 24 hours after starting antibiotics. If a virus caused the inflammation, the rule is 3 to 5 days, after the symptoms improve. It is important not to go back to work or school too soon, pink eye spreads very easily.
What is the treatment of Pink Eye?
If it is a bacteria infection you will need antibiotics from a doctor, if it is viral conjunctivitis it will have to run its course, there isn’t any treatment.
Can I alleviate the symptoms?
To reduce the discomfort, try using warm or cold compresses. Clean your eye with a disposable material or tissue, starting from the inside of the eye. Make sure your hands are clean when you before and after cleaning them.
Can I avoid getting Pink Eye?
Avoiding pink eye can be as easy as washing your hands, not sharing eye makeup, contact lens solutions or equipment, and don’t share pillows or towels.
When Should I See an Eye Doctor?
if you or anyone in your family are experience any symptoms, contact Lake Nona Eye Care as soon as possible. Your eye are to important to put at risk!