Cataracts affects over twenty two million people in the United States every year, with an estimated cost for treatment of $6.8 billion. June is Cataract Awareness Month, Lake Nona Eye Care want to share a few ways to help protect you from cataracts.

“A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s lens that leads to decreased vision. The lens is important because it focuses images onto the retina at the back of the eye. The image is then processed and sent to the brain. As a cataract matures, it often causes glare, as well as diminished contrast and color sensitivity. Over time, if left untreated, cataracts lead to decreased vision. The good news is the risk of developing cataracts can be reduced,” according to Friends for Sight.

It is especially important to wear sunglasses in Central Florida when ultraviolet radiation isa very strong, direct exposure can cause cataracts. Smoking and drinking alcohol in excess can increase the chances of cataracts developing.

What are the symptoms of cataracts? According to Prevent Blindness, Cataract generally does not cause pain, redness or tears. However, these changes in your vision may be signs of cataract:

Blurred vision, double vision, ghost images, the sense of a “film” over the eyes.

Lights seem too dim for reading or close-up work, or you are “dazzled” by strong light.

Changing eyeglass prescriptions often. The change may not seem to help your vision.

You may sometimes notice the cataract in your eye. It may look like a milky or yellowish spot in the pupil (the center of your eye is normally black).

“Although getting a cataract is common, it doesn’t have to mean permanent vision loss,” said Hugh R. Parry, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness America. “One way to protect our vision is to make a commitment to take care of our eyes today, including getting a dilated eye exam, so we can help protect our sight for the future not just from cataract, but other eye diseases as well.”

Regardless of your physical well-being or your age, routine eye exams are vital to healthy eyes. Many eye diseases threaten more than just our vision, they can affect our overall well being. During an eye exam Dr. Ward and the Team at Lake Nona Eye Care do much more than just establish your prescription for contact lenses or eyeglasses. A compressive exam will include checking for eye diseases and other issues leading to vision loss.

Don’t put if off any longer, schedule your comprehensive eye exam today with Lake Nona Eye Care or call us at 407-658-9990.