Lake None Eye Care and Friends For Sight want every child to include a comprehensive eye exam to their back to school check list. August is Child Eye Health and Safety Month, this recent article from Friends for Sight reveals some signs of vision problems in children.

It is estimated that 80% of classroom education is taught visually. The inability to see clearly effects academic and athletic performance and self esteem.

Common signs of vision troubles in children include: frequently rubbing eyes, squinting, tilting or turning head to look at objects, wandering eyes, or squeezing eyes. If you child displays any of these symptoms, please schedule an appointment to have their eyes checked. Amblyopia (lazy eye), Strabismus (crossed eyes), Color deficiency (color blindness), and refractive errors (nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism) are the most common conditions that can affect a child’s vision. Many of these conditions, if diagnosed early, can be treated and vision can be restored. If the condition is not diagnosed until later in life, treatment will not be as effective.

Lake Nona Eye Care

We welcome new patients at Lake Nona Eye Care, we look forward to staying pro-active in protecting your child’s vision. The American Optometry Association (AOA) suggests that a back to school eye exam will insure that your child has good cognitive processes which affect his or her reading, writing and computer work. This key to your child’s classroom accomplishments. They’ll start school knowing their eye health is being managed with great care.

It is reported that over 60% of students who have learning disabilities, may suffer from undetected vision issues. We promote good vision care at an early age. Pediatricians may perform tests periodically to catch any issue that may arise from birth to pre-school. Children are much more responsive to treatment when it is diagnosed early in life.

Many vision problems in children and adults can easily go undetected, which is why regular eye exams are important for healthy eyes. Vision problems in children can lead to learning problems and interfere with eye development, both can cause long term problems. An eye exam at Lake Nona Eye Care can detect many issues before they become serious problems.

Contact Lake Nona Eye Care for an affordable eye exam today.