Conjunctivitis, also known as pink eye is common this time of year. Bacterial or viral infection causes one or even both eyes to become inflamed. Important information on what causes pink eye, how to prevent it, how it spreads and treatment, can dispel any myths related to the condition.

What Causes Pink Eye?

An easily transmittable bacterial infection, Adenovirus, and allergic reaction, can cause pink eye. It is usually spread by hand to eye contact, which is why it is very prevalent in younger people. Washing your hands often can diminish your chances of inflammation. If you suspect you or a family member has the condition, contact Lake Nona Eye Care for an appointment.

Re-school child readingIs There A Cure?

Though there is no actual ‘cure’ for pink eye, despite what many websites may claim, there are some great remedies to alleviate some of the discomfort, eye drops with antihistamines to reduce irritation, warm or cold compresses, and removing contacts. Antibiotics don’t work against viruses, so it will just take time. If it is bacterial, antibiotics can speed up recovery.

Preventative Medication

Though there are more over the counter eye drops than ever, none of them will prevent pink eye, they can only reduce the irritating symptoms. If you have pink eye, try and stay away from others for 24 hours and try not to touch your eyes.

Hand Sanitizer

Many viruses and bacteria are resistant to alcohol based Sanitizers. The traditional soap and water method for washing hands works the best.


The most common symptoms of pink eye include, burning and itchy eyes, white or green discharge from the eye, blurred vision or increased amount of wetness or tears, sensitivity to light, eye redness, and yellow crusts or discharge over the eyelashes.

Pink eye can last from three days to three weeks and usually goes away on its own. There are other eye conditions that have similar symptoms as pink eye, it is always best to check with a professional.

Pink eye can affect all ages and if left untreated, can become a serious issue, if you or someone in your family, possibly has pink eye, contact Dr. Ward and the professional team at Lake Nona Eye Care for an appointment today.