Cosmetic eye procedures and products are on the rise, not only in Orlando but all over Florida, but how safe are they? It is vital for the health of your eyes to contact an eye doctor or optometrist before having any cosmetic eye product or procedure done to your eyes!

faq_picDecorative and colored contact lenses. Though it may be fun to change up your eye color, they are more than just a fashion accessory. All contact lenses require a prescription and pose potential health and safety issues.

“All contact lenses need to be prescribed and monitored by a doctor to make sure they fit properly and provide a healthy environment for the eye. Lenses are medical devices that affect the health of the eye,” said Jeffrey Walline, O.D., Ph.D., chair of the AOA’s Contact Lens & Cornea Section.

Eye Jewelry: Though glueing jewelry and eye piercing seem to be all the rave, infection and even blindness can occur from glueing jewels to the sclera and eyelid piercing can potentially threaten sight.

Tattooed/permanent eye makeup: “There really needs to be a major reason for this to be done, such as a person has experienced a disfiguring injury,” he says. “There is a risk of a serious allergic reaction, and they won’t know that until the tattoo is there already. And once it happens, it can be very difficult to reverse. They have to remove the dye that was injected, and that’s not easy to do.” according to Dr. Walline.

Catching issues early is an important key to everyone’s long-term vision health. Dr. Ward and the Vision Team at Lake Nona Eye Care provides a comprehensive eye examination in a positive, relaxed environment for children and adults, ages 5 and up.

Contact Dr. Ward and the professional team at Lake Nona Eye Care for an appointment today.

Happy Thanksgiving from Lake Nona Eye Care

shutterstock_198352442Thanksgiving is a time of festive spirit, mouth-watering meals and renewing ties with family and friends. It’s also a time to take a break from the hustle and bustle of life and reflect on what we’re thankful for.

The Lake Nona Eye Care family has been blessed in many ways and we want to take this opportunity to thank all of our friends and clients for their support. We wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving.