Your never too young for healthy eyes and good vision. The National Eye Institute for Kids has interactive activities for all ages. Cool Eye Tricks and Games on National Eye InstituteOptical Illusions, and Ask a Scientist Video Series, are just a few fun games about our vision.

Good Vision Starts With a Compressive Eye Exam. Seven Tips for a Lifetime of Healthy Vision

accessory-984072_1920Stay Active. Those who exercise and stay active are more likely to have healthy vision. Some diseases, like diabetes and high blood pressure, can affect vision and eye health. Diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in adults. People with diabetes may develop retinopathy. High blood pressure can damage the eye’s blood vessels and nerves, causing permanent vision loss.

Don’t Forget Your Sunglasses. The sun’s strong rays can cause damage to the eyes. Protect them by wearing sunglasses that block both UVB and UVA radiation from the sun.

Protective Eye Wear. Whether you’re playing your favorite sport, working out in the yard, or contraction work, ensure your eyes are protected. Studies have shown, wearing safety eyewear can prevent injuries.

Healthy Diet. To protect your site, eat right. A well balanced diet plays an important role in vision health. Some food shown to be especially helpful include, vegetables, fruits, leafy greens, kale, spinach, halibut, tuna, and salmon.

Rest Your Eyes. No matter how old you are, if spend time on a computer, tablet, or smart phone, make sure you give your eyes a break.  The 20-20-20 rule, every 20 minutes rest your eyes by looking 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Know Your Family History. Many eye diseases cluster in families, so you should know your family’s history of eye disease because you may be at increased risk. Age-related eye diseases, including cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration are expected to dramatically increase—from 28 million today to 43 million by the year 2020.

Early Intervention. Most serious eye conditions, such as glaucoma and AMD, are more easily and successfully treated if diagnosed and treated early. Left untreated, these diseases can cause serious vision loss and blindness. Early intervention now will prevent vision loss later.

Just a few simple steps can help reduce the chances of vision loss. Lake Nona Eye Care offers affordable eye exams, as well as contact lenses and glasses all at a great price!