Whether you realize it or not, those suffering with diabetes in Orlando are susceptible to eye disease. Since many of these eye conditions have little symptoms and usually painless, it is important to receive proper vision care to increase your chances of healthy vision.

ThinkstockPhotos-464220895Eye Care for those Suffering With Diabetes

Six out of 10 people who have Diabetes miss regular eye exams that could potentially save their vision, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

“If you have diabetes, you may be vigilant about monitoring what you eat, getting enough exercise, and seeing your primary care doctor. But are you as committed to maintaining your eye health as well? People who have diabetes — about one out of every 10 people in the U.S. — are at increased risk of developing serious eye disease. Yet, according to a large study, most of them are not getting the annual, sight-saving eye exams they need to preserve their vision.”

Don’t Wait Until You Have Vision Problems to Get an Exam

Since diabetic eye conditions have little to no warning signs, the best way to ward off any problems and prevent vision loss is with regular eye exams. Though there is no cure for this devastating disease, there are treatment options available.

The Center for Disease Control suggest those with diabetes or at a high risk of glaucoma should have a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. The American Academy of Ophthalmology found that over half diabetic patients skip their annual dilated eye exam. This simple step could improve 95% of vision loss related to diabetes. Worldwide, there are around 285 million people with vision impairment.

We use our eyes for just about everything keeping our eyes healthy should be a top priority! Regardless of your physical well-being or your age, routine eye exams are vital to healthy eyes. Early detection can make all the difference, contact Lake Nona Eye Care for an appointment today!