While our vision is easy to take for granted, it is vital not to put off comprehensive eye exam by a reputable eye doctor. We need our eyes in every facet of our daily lives. It’s important to develop a relationship with an eye doctor or Optometric Physician before you start having vision problems, many eye diseases or issues can be successfully treated if detected early.
Experts recommend having your eyes examined on a regular basis to keep them healthy. In case you haven’t seen the eye doctor in a while, here are some warning signs you need to make an appointment today.
Blurred Vision: Referring to the inability to focus clearly, unable to see things up close or at a distance clearly, things appear hazy, or from the gradual decline in eyesight due to age.
Every now and then we may put a lot of stress on our eyes and experience blurred vision, but if it happens at the same time of day or continues, it’s important to see an Optometrist for an exam right away. Make sure you choose a reputable Doctor, your eyes are far too important to leave up to chance.
Headaches and Eye Strain: Headaches can happen for many reasons, but if you suffer from them on a regular basis, it could be a sign of an eye disorder, an eye exam can prevent a serious problem.
In this day and age where we spend hours staring at the computer, tablets and TV, it’s easy for our eyes to feel fatigue and strain on a daily basis. This could also be a warning sign of a decline in vision, it’s important to visit the eye doctor before the situation gets worse.
Dry/Watery/Itchy Eyes: If you suffer from extreme dryness, wetness, irritation, or itchiness it can lead to infections and eye disorders. If these conditions persist it important to visit an eye doctor right away for the protection of your eyes.
Diabetes: Those with diabetes are more prone to eye problems such as glaucoma, cataracts and retinopathy. If you have diabetes, it is vital you have regular visits to the Optometrists to keep your eyes safe and protected.
We use our eyes from the time we wake up in the morning until we go to bed at night, constantly processing information, it’s hard to imagine life without them. That’s why it’s so important to take care of them.